Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog # 160 Notebook entries

Blog # 160 Notebook entries Here are a few entries in one of my notebooks that you might enjoy... One ship sails east, another west With the self-same winds that blow; It's the set of the sails And not the gales Which decide the way to go. Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate; As we voyage on through life. It's the will of the soul That decides its goal, And not the calm or the strife. **** **** **** **** THE HAND THAT MADE US IS DIVINE! We expect a pro ball player to get a hit, run fast, tackle well, get the ball into the basket. We expect the work of a professional artist to be beautiful. We feel confident in the hands of a highly recommended surgeon. We follow the roads mapped out for us by AAA or Map Quest. THE HAND THAT MADE US IS DIVINE. What do we expect from God? How well do we trust Him? ## ## ## I knew there would be a sunrise, but the patterns and color of the actual sunrise today was available only as it was happening. God was alive and present for me in the here and now!... ++ ++ ++ ++ By simply living we are constantly receiving God's gifts. By faith we receive GOD! ^^^ ^^^ The Great Conversation about things that matter most has been going on from the beginning of the creation of free human beings. And now it is our turn!

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