Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog # 70 DISCIPLE

Blog # 70 DISCIPLE A true disciple of Jesus looks not for what he can get from Jesus or for what Jesus can do for him but rather looks for what he can do in Jesus and what Jesus can go with him. A disciple of Jesus sees himself first of all as a creature of God. He sees himself as a child of Adam and Eve. He sees that when our first parents committed the first sin the effects of that sin were felt not only by themselves but by all of those who were to follow. The disciple of Jesus sees that in this very truth lies the need of the Savior of all, Jesus the Lord. He sees in the sacrifice of the life of Jesus on the Cross the salvation of the world and his own salvation. He is thankful to God for all of this. The disciple of Jesus sees still more. He sees Jesus not only on the Cross, not only on Judgment Day, and not only on Sunday, The true disciple sees the Savior always and everywhere, working with him, in praising and adoring God, saving his own individual soul, and bringing Christian truth and joy into the world where there can be no complete and everlasting joy other than that which comes through Jesus. The disciple of Jesus sees the Savior walk over to a tax collector's booth and lean over the counter to a man named Levi. He hears the Master say: "Come, follow me". He sees the beginning of what was going to be a change in that man's life from that of a tax collector to that of St. Mathew the Apostle-Martyr. Then the disciple applies what he sees and hears to himself, over and over again, in his own life. "Come, follow me". For someone who is really close to Jesus, "Come follow me" is heard in colors shapes and sounds, in sickness and in health, in relationships with people and especially when we might be tempted to go another way, throughout our life. And of course when God comes to take that life from the trials of earth the disciple hears those words in tones that will be sweeter than ever before: "Come, follow me, to the home I have prepared for you in my Father's eternal love".

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